Online Coaching


(Online Contest Prep Coaching) 

FEE - $96.50 p/w Direct Debit

  • Customised online template that can be accessed anywhere at anytime
  • Individualised Nutrition plan with weekly adjustments if necessary
  • Individualised Training Program tailored to your desired physique outcome with weekly progression adjustments
  • Supplementation Advice
  • Skinfold Check-ins every 4 weeks (If Local)
  • Peak Week Training and Nutrition Intervention
  • Ongoing Email Support Including (Weekly Email Check in with Data & Photo Analysis)
  • Recovery / Reverse Diet Plan (Post Comp)
  • Comp Day Backstage support (If available)
  • Tan / Hair / Make Up / Posing Advice



(Online Coaching Nutrition & Programming)

FEE - $89.50 p/w Direct Debit

  • Customised online template that can be accessed anywhere at anytime
  • Individualised Nutrition plan with weekly adjustments if necessary
  • Individualised Training Program tailored to your desired Training / Physique outcome with weekly progression adjustments if necessary
  • Supplementation Advice
  • Skinfold Check-ins every 8 weeks (If Local)
  • Ongoing Email Support Including (Weekly Email Check in with Data & Photo Analysis)





(Online Coaching Programming Only)

FEE - $61.50 p/w Direct Debit

  • Customised online template that can be accessed anywhere at anytime
  • Individualised Training Program tailored to your desired Training / Physique outcome
  • Weekly loading adjustments
  • Ongoing Email Support Including (Weekly Email Check in with Data & Exercise video Analysis)

 (Online Coaching Nutrition Only)

FEE - $61.50 p/w Direct Debit

  • Customised online template that can be accessed anywhere at anytime
  • Individual Nutrition plan tailored to your desired Training / Physique outcome with weekly adjustments if necessary
  • Supplementation Advice
  • Ongoing Email Support Including ( Weekly Email Check in with Data & Photo Analysis